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Frequently asked questions at Lake Oconee Eye Care

1. How do I keep my glasses clean?

Today’s high technology antiglare lenses are easier to keep clean than ever before. The most effective way to keep them clean is to wash the lenses with soap and water each day. Then you can use a microfiber cloth and lens spray on an as needed basis to remove any oils or debris.

2. What is a cataract?

The eye has a lens inside to focus the light on the retina. The lens is located behind the colored part of the eye and is not normally visible. A cataract is when the clear lens becomes cloudy. Most adults in the United States develop some level of early cataracts in their 50’s or 60’s.

3. What is cataract surgery?

When cataracts get to the point that you cannot see well and changing your glasses or contact lens prescription will not help, then it is time to consider cataract surgery. In cataract surgery, the surgeon removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with a clear artificial lens, helping you see much more clearly.

4. What do I do if my eye is red?

There are many possible causes of redness in your eyes. Some causes are minor and self-limiting and some can cause permanent loss of vision. Only your eye doctor has the equipment and the expertise to properly diagnose and treat the exact cause of your eye redness. If your eye is red for more than 24 hours you need to be seen.